
Friday, February 14, 2014


So the quilting really does make the quilt.  I had this one machine quilted by Three Sisters Quilting in New Paris, Indiana.

  It is amazing to see what they did, especially with all the white spaces.  Now I have to put on the binding and give the quilt back to my in-laws 1 and 1/2 years after their 50th Wedding anniversary.
I wrote a poem to go with this quilt and included the ending of the poem for those who might enjoy it.
 " so when you decide to call it a night,
 You'll say your night prayers and snuggle up tight.
Or if your bodies just need a good rest,
Head on upstairs and get into your nest.
Climb under this quilt and know were all near,
to keep you both warm or blot up a tear.
In spirit, we are always close to your hearts,
though many long miles keep us apart.
Mom and Dad we all love you and we thank you with glee,
for the gift of our lives and the Bobrowski family."

Thank you all for your inspiring and kind words and well as your shared projects that kept me inspired years into the project.  Lets keep the encouragement going and bring the beauty and love of quilting into the generations that follow.  Pete


  1. Beautiful quilt. It is wonderful. The quilting in the white spaces enhances the center design and colorful borders.

  2. What a beautiful quilt for your in-laws and a Valentine's Day treat for us all.

  3. As all of your work - Glorious!!!! What a wonderful 50th Anniversary gift!
    So very very beautiful!

  4. so beautiful, congratulations on the big finish!!!!

  5. What a beautiful quilt, congratulations on the finish. The quilting does look wonderful

  6. What a beauty! Yes, quilting makes the quilt, but your work was an awesome start for the quilters.

  7. I love the quote on your quilt. So true. Absolutely lovely quilt. I just love applique'. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Hi wow small world department here. I live in Warsaw ,In and came upon your blog these people have done a beautiful job on your quilt so I will have to check them out when I come home.I'm in Florida but this peaks my interest for a few quilts I need done. They did a beautiful job or your excellent Quilt so very beautiful. You have something to pass on to family .!!!! Thanks for sharing

  9. Your quilt is incredibly beautiful and obviously for a loving couple! The poem is so pretty with it. What a marvelous gift you gave that will be cherish! Beautiful quilting on it also!
