
Saturday, August 16, 2014

After four years. . .

I am ready to add yet another completed Roseville Album to our blog.  Although the quilt has been finished for many months now, I am just now finding a way to photograph it.  This quilt marks my journey through breast cancer surgery and recovery; its four "pink" corner blocks were my way of remembering that time in my life.  Having Kim's beautiful pattern to applique has been soothing and rewarding.  It is, to date, the most ambitious project I have attempted, but now it won't be the last.


  1. Congratulations on ALL your achievements. Beautiful!!!

  2. Your quilt is beautiful. Such gorgeous colours and a very positive way to help you deal with a difficult time in your life.
    Ali xx

  3. Wow! It's absolutely gorgeous! Your pink corners were a lovely idea. I remember when you started, and I'm so glad to see that you finished the quilt and made it through recovery! Congratulations on both!

    1. Wow, Donna, you have a good memory! Thanks for that.

  4. What a beautiful quilt. Well done on sticking with it over four challenging years. You should be very proud of this quilt - it represents a huge amount of work. I'd like to make one of Kim's patterns myself one day, but haven't decided which one yet.

  5. You're an inspiration Marion!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations on your finish and recovery through breast cancer. Quilting is such wonderful therapy!

  7. Wowee, what a wonder! Both you and your stunning quilt are an inspiration Marion, thank you for sharing. xo

  8. What a fabulous tribute to a difficult time in your life. It's just stunning!!

  9. Totally awesome!!!!!so proud of you for finishing this quilt......Congrats on your victory over breast cancer. Blessings........

  10. I made my first quilt during chemo, but it was only about 18 x 20. It was a color wash quilt. It helped to get through the days as yours did. Great going!

    1. Quilting is just so soothing, isn't it? It takes one's mind off troubles or anxieties. I'm glad it worked that way for you as well.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This is the most gorgeous quilt. Totally awesome!

  12. It is a beautiful quilt. You will always remember those 4 years.

  13. Congratulations on EVERYTHING! It's a beautiful quilt, and here's wishing you many, many more healthy years of enjoying it.

  14. Awesome! Just awesome!!! Glad you are well now!

  15. What a thrill to open the blog and see your masterpiece. Brava! I know you loved every stitch and it was a comfort to have such a challenging project during a difficult time. Being reminded of the significance of the pink blocks makes me feel a little weepy. I'm happy *everyone* can see how gorgeous it is.

  16. Congratulations on a job beautifully done! So happy to hear you are surviving beautifully as well!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. A beautiful quilt Marion! Glad that making the quilt gave you comfort and courage in such a difficult time, hope all is well now. It is a masterpiece and I love the pink corners, Kim McLean

    1. Thank you, Kim, and a million thanks for sharing your beautiful patterns with us.

  19. Congratulations, beautiful (and I looked up close). Hope this is a very good start for many happy years to come. You gave me inspiration to start mine, I have the same pattern for quite a while now. I like yours, light and well balanced.

  20. You did an awesome job with this quilt! So glad to read you're out of danger as well.
    I'm plugging along-on my 3rd block.

  21. Beautiful well done .Especially loved the pink corners Hugs Wendy

  22. I so appreciate the supportive comments everyone has made. To those of you just starting this quilt or stuck somewhere along the way, please keep going! Kim's patterns are perfect for the "Slow Quilting" movement spearheaded by Mark Lipinski. We will all have heirlooms in the end.

  23. Truly beautiful. I love your color choices.
