Finally finished another Roseville block. (If I could just stick with one project this might go a bit quicker.) But I really enjoy the process, so I guess there's no rush. Here's my latest block--now I'm done with 5, and I've actually worked a bit on a couple others too. This is not my favorite block, in part because I'm not wild about some of my fabric choices, but I'm trying to leave them be.

The block also has structural issues (why a person shouldn't stitch so late at night). I'm not sure what to do about it. If you look at the basket/bowl, you can see the upper edge bulges up instead of being straight across as it should be. I was initially just going to rip that part out and restitch it, but I can see it is because I must have been following the design of the fabric as I stitched. If I straighten it out, I'm afraid it will be odd looking with partial pencils. (I have no idea how that weird bulge came to be since my freezer paper piece is quite clearly straight and the fabric design is straight.
Well on looking at it again, it seems to be multiple issues. Part of it seems to be that I dropped down on the sides where it attaches. It likely should be reworked at some point--when I have more patience and don't make a hole somewhere!
What do you think? Should I replace that piece of fabric, or should I leave it alone? I was initially going to use red scales instead of pencils for the basket. I also am not wild about the fabric I chose for the side pieces of the basket either--they seem too light. Now would be a good time to switch fabrics if I'm going to. How badly weird does it look to you (please be brutally honest)? I've looked at it too much to "see" it at this point. What would you do?