
Friday, November 29, 2013

Chloe's Quilt

The story of how my first quilt, Chloe's quilt has come about is as follows.

My name is Carla and I live in Tropical North Queensland outside the small town of Bartle Frere. My husband and I have a small farm there.

Beginning 2011 we had cyclone Yassi come through which did a lot of damage outside, but most importantly took out a small vanilla plantation.

A few months later our beloved dog Chloe, at only 4 years old was diagnosed with a malignant colon cancer which was a terrible blow. As my husband has to work away from home a lot I decided I needed to do something for myself to help me to deal with this situation.

Inspired by the movie Julie & Julia I thought to teach myself something new, challenging and give myself a year to do it. (Like Julie in the movie cooking every recipes from Julia Child's book within the year)

A quilt I thought and stumbled on the Glorious colour website, could not look at any other option but Roseville Album by Kim Mclean, was it even possible to make something so beautiful? A starters pack and pattern was ordered and I started my quilt June 2011.

What a journey it has been, I kept going and going coming to the end I decided to take the first 3 blocks out and rebalance the quilt.

Hand appliqued, machine pieced, hand quilted and finished early this year. Last but not least Chloe is happy and healthy which is just a miracle!  Without the inspiration of Kim's stunning work and designs and all glorious applique contributors I feel I would not have pulled it off. 

A big thanks to you all. 

As shared with me from Carla! It's positively AMAZING!!! And, GLAD to learn Chloe is well!!! : ) Piecefully, Pam


  1. I am so sorry that bad things brought you to quilting, but it does the same thing for the rest of us. We can sit with needle and thread---and release some of the bad karma in our world & think about positive things while we create something with our own hands. What a bright and beautiful quilt you have created & finished!! Glad Chloe is doing well. I hope you continue to quilt---you have a knack for it. Judy

  2. What a beautiful quilt Carla! and glad Chloe is doing well too. I love your story also, you sure have pulled a feat. Have you not done any applique before? Love your fabric choices too. I learnt to applique with Elli Sienkiewicz's book in front of me and a mirror as I'm left handed, there was no YouTube at the time! K

  3. Oh Carla it is just beautiful! Congratulations on such a stunning quilt and on the dedication to push through... It really is beautiful. Glad to hear that your doggie is doing fine too. What a wonderful story. Take care now. Karen on Keuka

  4. Carla is a natural!! So beautiful! So glad to hear about Chloe, too. Thanks for this inspiring story.

  5. I've been waiting for your quilt to show up on the blog Carla.

    It's such a beautiful quilt and what an excellent idea to down-size it a little bit, very clever indeed. Really happy to hear that Chloe is in good health now.

  6. What a lovely story, the quilt is gorgeous and such an amazing job too. So happy to hear Chloe is well.

  7. What a touching story about Chloe and what a beautiful response in your finished quilt. Let this be the beginning of many pleasurable years of applique projects.

  8. Happy to hear Chloe is doing well and what a big undertaking but you sure pulled it off. The quilt is beautiful.

  9. Thank you for your moving and inspirational story. I am so glad that Chloe is doing so well and absolutely love the quilting you are doing!

  10. Fantastic, Carla! What an impressive first quilt. Congratulations!

  11. Just beautiful well done glad your little furry friend is ok .

  12. So glad Chloe is doing well, and your quilt is phenomenal!

  13. Carla: your first quilt is a masterpiece. Great job. You've may have found a new passion. Best of luck.

  14. Such a beautifully made quilt, Carla! I am stunned to think this is your first quilt. I hope you will be able to make your next quilt with more positive motivation. So happy to hear that Chloe is doing well.

  15. Huge congrats!!!! your quilt is totally awesome. What a prize.....

  16. Congratulations! That is amazing! I am still trying to perfect a leaf shape!

  17. Wonderful job! Appliqué is a great comfort. So happy Chloe is doing well.

  18. Your dog is a miracle, and your quilt is just perfect. I'm so happy for you!

  19. This is beautiful work, really lovely :)
