
Monday, January 13, 2014

Hand Quilting

It has been so long since I posted here. I hope everyone has begun the New Year well. I just wanted to post a couple of photo's of my version of Kim's gorgeous Flower Garden quilt.

After spending about 18 months putting this quilt together, I decided I wanted to take my time quilting it. I am using six different coloured perle 8 threads and very densely hand quilting across the entire quilt. My rows are 1/4 inch apart and that is making the quilt very textural and bubbly!!!

The quilting shows up really well on the back...

I have one long panel to go and then the borders. It takes a while, but I am not in any hurry. Hand work is worth the wait don't you think?


  1. Your quilt is absolutely beautiful, love your background and your backing. Great finish.

  2. I applaud your perseverance and your determination. You'll get there.... in the end!!! It's already looking fantastic.

  3. Great quilt and quilting. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. I love this quilt-especially the hand quilting. It is really beautiful and has a ton of texture! Love it!

    1. Thanks Coach Tina, I do love the texture, it feels amazing. xo

  5. Amazing! You have created something really special!

  6. Looks fabulous...very special indeed!

  7. Very effective! Love it! Congratulations.

  8. It's too hot to quilt Cathy. I love the effect of the stitching over the applique so much. It's such a luscious rich looking quilt.

    1. Thank you Janet, I'm so glad that heatwave is over, there was definitely no stitching done this week!! xo

  9. How gorgeous Cathy, love that thread for quilting it makes the quilt looks very glamorous ( is this the right spelling) I must have a look at this thread, is it the DMC one? it is going to be really glorious when done! K

    1. Thank you Kim. Yes I am using the DMC perle 8 threads. They are so beautiful to work with. xo

  10. Cathy--it's a work of art! I'm thrilled to see what you're doing with it. Of course the hand-quilting is worth the time! I bet you are relishing every stitch. It's very inspiring--thank you for showing us. Has Keiko Goge seen this? She should.

    1. Thank you Leland, you are so right, I am absolutely loving stitching it this way, it feels amazing. Yes, Keiko has seen it, and has sent me a beautiful email. Very special. xo

  11. Kim's quilts really deserve hand quilting, don't they? I'm so glad you are taking the time to do it. You inspire me!

    1. Thank you Marion, I agree, Kim's quilts are fabulous. I love how it is turning out. Thank you for your kind words. xo

  12. Would have never thought to quilt it this way but it is perfect. Love the textured effect. Beautiful and kudos to you!!

  13. Cathy, it is fantastic! I love your pieced background, and the quilting is the perfect finish. I always wonder, though, does all that extra perle cotton make it heavy? Just for future reference, you understand!

    1. Thank you Monica. Yes, I think all that hand quilting is making the quilt heavier. I did think I would never want to sit under something so heavily quilted, however because it is done by hand, it is actually staying quite soft, and I just need to keep patting all that texture!! If I was doing a lap quilt though, I would quilt less lines, perhaps an inch apart rather than 1/4 inch. xo

  14. Wow! Your quilt looks lovely! I remember when you began with this unusual background and it is outstanding! The hand quilting is great, too!

    1. Thank you Judith, I wasn't sure if I liked the background for a while, but I think all the hand quilting has really softened the background stripes. xo

  15. Your quilting is beautiful, and yes it's well worth the wait.

  16. So pretty! You're doing an awesome job on the quilting. What's going in the borders?

    1. Thank you Eileen, at this point I am just planning the same sort of stitching going around the borders. Keeping it simple I think. xo

  17. Wow wow wow, what a beautiful and bright quilt. Well done. the quilting adds to the quilt
    Cheers Pauline

    1. Thank you Pauline, I am loving the dimension the close hand quilting is giving the quilt. xo

  18. What a beautiful way to finish this quilt! I am inspired!
