
Tuesday, April 8, 2014


This block is full of handsome birds, not the shy types! I had a few scraps of ombre solids from years back which I've used for two of the birds' bodies, the rest are solids from the shot cottons, they seem to go well with KF collective fabrics.
I have a huge magnolia tree in the garden, it has a lot of fruit. Last week, the sulphur crested cockatoos swarmed the tree and pecked on the seeds and messed the foliage. They do the same damage to the cumquat trees too. I wish I had a camera ready, it was quite a sight. K


  1. It gets better snd better! So beautiful. How many blocks in total? And when is the pattern available? Please?

    1. Hi Anneke, there are 9 blocks and 12" borders, The pattern has just been sent to Liza at GloriousColor, and it has to be prepared for publication. I cant give you a date, may be keep an eye on the GloriousColor website?

  2. Kim, seeing each block transformed from all the Kaffe Collective bits seems like a "genius in progress" sign must be on your studio door! As with block #4, can you tell us which motifs to start color selection with to ease that "where do I begin" process? I am often asked how I choose fabrics in my own classes.
    I am a huge fan of your work!!!!

    1. Many thanks for your kind comments! Re fabrics, for this block I chose 4 different colour groups for the 4 sets of birds' bodies. Each set has the similar body colour but depending on the wings and feather, the body colour might be a diferent shade. I kept the perch the same fabric to unite the busyness. It is probably just going by the feel of the block. I find it easiest to choose the colours for the biggest pieces first. Is that how you work too? K

  3. Very handsome birds indeed! They look like great fun.

  4. Kim, you're killing us. With anticipation, that is. :)

  5. These blocks are awesome, each one is unique.
    I do hope you have a plan to get them all in a kit form speedily to us anxious people. It is fun to see each new one. Love the fabric, I want mine just like it!

    1. Hi Georgis, there is a pattern under construction at Glorious Color, not sure when the release date is, seeing that I have just mailed the master copy to Liza. Keep an eye on the GloriousColor website? Re kit form, Liza usually does a starter fabric pack when the pattern is released, some of the fabrics I used are also from a number of years back, but Liza usually substitute the fabric with the available current range.
      There are also stores that do " Block of the month" programmes with my patterns. In Sydney, Australia a store called " Material Obsession" have done these, perhaps check Kathy's website? Cheers, K

    2. OOPS, sorry Georgia, I did a typo with your name, K

  6. Kim, that central open circle and use of polka dot fabric is awesome!!! The shot cottons add such color saturation and depth to the project. It is REALLY fun to watch the daily unveil. Thank YOU!!!

    1. Pam, the open circle had dots appliqued on it, I wish there is a fabric for it! Thank you Pam, K
