
Sunday, April 13, 2014

A BOY AND A GIRL, AN ALBUM left border

I've done four different borders and corners, so we won't get bored. Took a bit longer to draw, but it would be longer still if I get bored doing the same thing four times. It's like knitting a pair of socks, fun to do one half, then harder to do the second half!
Lay out the fabrics for the big leaves first on the design sheet with the background fabric under it, then choose fabrics for the smaller pieces.
I tend to cut the fabrics for the four borders at the same time. After you have ironed the freezer paper templates onto the fabrics, cut them out, then lay them back on the sheet and before you bag them away, take a photo of the area towards the corners. Now, take the next border, here, they would be the top and bottom ones. Using the previous photo you took, choose fabrics for the the borders and the corners. Try this method if you are not already doing it, it is easier than hunting for these corner area pieces in the zip lock bags. Be back tomorrow with the next border, if you have questions, I'd be happy to answer, cheers, K


  1. I just love this quilt....question.....when will the pattern be available...

    1. Hi Cathy, I don't have a date, Liza now has now received the master pattern and she is working on it! K

  2. I'm getting seriously tempted here! I've admired your patterns for some time, but not made any of your quilts yet. I think this might just be my first! Can't wait to see a photo of the whole quilt.

    1. Thanks Wendy, I'd love you to this quilt as your first one, it is a fun one. If you get into strife, please do a post and we wll all try and help. K

  3. Great tip on photographing first border. I am thoroughly enjoying the reveal of each block. So colorful!

    1. Hi Jill, I found the photos I took of the corner areas, I've posted them on today's. I love colours! K

  4. Oh Kim you made wonderfull work (sorry for my english ;-))
    I like the quilt very very much
    Every time you surprise me with another beautiful quilt
    groet Ineke from Holland

  5. Hi Kim,
    I think I will join Kelly Jackson and you (see april 11th) and order this pattern as soon as possible!.What a lovely border you have designed. Just looking at it brightens up my day! Making it will be even better!
    The Netherlands

    1. Hi Digna, you can start looking for the background fabric, see below for the quantity, K

  6. This quilt is absolutely stunning. I love it.

  7. Wow, thats a full border, love it

    1. Thank you Anneke, it is a full border, I love drawing borders, so many things to put in them! K

  8. this one looks like a lot of fun...

  9. Yes, please let us know when the pattern is available. I've been to the Glorious Color site to see if I could get the background fabric, but failed as I believe it was a 2009 Spots print of Kaffe's. There are many other Spots available, though. I have 8 yards of his silver aboriginal dots fabric, so is that enough??? Thanks for answering.

    1. In my pattern I wrote down background fabric to be 9 yards, I am using cut pieces of 24" x 24" for the finished size of 20" x 20". You can use 22" x 22" cut size. For 22" x 22" cut size, you will need a length of fabric 300" = 8.33 yards, I would get 8 1/2 yards. Out of this, I would then take a length of 200", cut a long strip of 22"x 200", cut this into 9 pieces of 22" x 22" squares. Then you are left with 18"x 200" which I would cut into 2 borders 14" or 15" x 100". The left over 100", I would cut 2 strips 14" or 15" X 100" for the other 2 borders. I like using oversized backgrounds, especially if the applique elements are biggish, they tend to shrink the background squares. You can also cut out the background fabric under the applique pieces, which solves the shrinkage problem. I don't like doing this incase you have to move bits around!
      Re Spots fabric, I can't remember which one I used but there are other colours you can choose, I used a pink one in the Trees of the 4 seasons and it was an easy colour to use. I also like the apple green one. The good part of using the Kafffe fabrics is that all the colours work together really well.

    2. Kim, I believe there's a typo in your 5th sentence,"Then you are left with 18X200." Shouldn't that be 18X300? Because according to a previous post, the finished quilt measures 90" long. Having 300" makes your next statements about getting (2) sets of 14-15" x 100" borders makes the amounts clearer to this old brain. ;0) or am I having a senior moment after all?

  10. I love your new quilt! How do you transfer the applique design to the background fabric for appliquing the pieces? What type of pen / pencil do you use to transfer the design to the front of the background fabric?

    1. Hi Deb, I use sharp 2B pencil, the propelling ones. I have a light box, I put the design sheet under the background and pin then trace. If you don't have a light box, sliding a lamp under the glass coffee table top works too. Or, buy a sheet of glass from the picture framer store, put masking tape around the edges so you don't cut yourself. Stack telephone books or other books, put the glass on top and slide a lamp under it. This might sound weird, but you can wipe off the excess 2B pencil from the background fabric using a worn white T shirt, the one that has gone through a lot of washing. You rub the T shirt on the marks and they go away. It doesn't seem to work with a new T shirt. K

  11. I love all of your designs but think this is my favorite!!!!!!!!! The dogs are fabulous! I can't wait to order the pattern and get started!!!

    1. Oh good! You must be a dog person,I have been getting requests to do dogs. I have been including dogs in the Pandemonium and Trees of the 4 seasons too. We had cats and horses in our household, the cats are angels now and the the horses are retirement in a big farm out of town. K

    2. Yes am a dog person. Have a black lab and golden, Meg and Gabby. Best dogs ever!! Have made parts of Roseville Album and Stars and Sprigs, combined with Kaffe clad Sunbonnet Sue into an original layout which I love! Your work excites my eyes and makes me HAPPY!!! THANK YOU!!!

  12. this quilt design just makes my heart so very happy! i have been wanting to make a kaffe quilt for years and having finally hit upon an applique technique that I really enjoy, seeing this new design unfold has been like all the stars aligning, lol. I just want to get started now!!! Would love some more info about the amount of background fabric required so I could at least get that bit started, lol!

    1. Hi Kellie, Thank you, I think you'll have fun making this quilt, it is a relatively simple one and you can go to town with the fabrics. If you can have look at the previous reply about the background fabric, I suggested 9 yards because I like biggish background squares, but you can make it using 8 1/2 yards. K
