
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Friends and kindred spirits...

unite and applique!!! Marion and all, I apologize for the inappropriate comment that showed up on our kind and peaceful/pieceful blog, and perhaps in your In-Boxes too! It has been deleted and the commenter marked as a spammer.

Imagine if WE had that amount of free time just how many stitches we could take, projects we could do and quilt tops we'd complete!?!?!?

I will try to do a better job of having more of a presence here. I SEW appreciate you, your participation in Glorious Applique and you're willingness to share with our community of stitchers (heart!).

My goal has been to take daily applique stitches on my (3rd) Roseville Album block, and I am pleased to say I have been making slow progress and take at least a few stitches on most days. I appreciate the balance, release and fuel that stitching provides me.

I am not as productive and far more quiet than in the past. This is because I have to dedicate time, channel chi, and place focus where it is necessary for me at this time. Many of us have had life changing events since the inception of this blog. Not all of those changes have been welcome or pleasant. I have remained quiet through many, choosing instead to hold you close to my heart and send + juju. I have found words to be a challenge., let's continue to celebrate, support and enjoy Glorious Applique!!! Let's delight in one another's choice of colors, design interpretations, fussy cuts, and stitches made!!! Let's take up needle, thread and fabric and CREATE!!! Let's foster our kindred spirits and this kind community!!!

Thank you, Kim, for sharing the gift of your talent and designs and your continued willingness to share with us here at Glorious Applique and our sister blogs. : )

And, thank you, to each of you. I admire and care for each one of you more than any of you can know. Just because I don't say words, doesn't mean I'm not participating, if only quietly and on the sidelines.

Piecefully and with much Love and Admiration, Pam


  1. No worries, Pam. I still enjoy coming here and going over all the archived posts - so inspiring! You are working on block #3 of the Roseville Album ... I am still looking for a background! You are SO far ahead of me!

    Wishing you happy stitching and may all your troubles soon be in your rear-view mirror.

    Barb in Ottawa

  2. No apologies necessary, Pam. We are all so grateful to you for maintaining the blog. I hope your stitching continues to give you some respite from your challenges; my troubles or imagined worries just seem to melt away the minute I pick up my needle.


  3. I'm just happy this blog is here. Thank you, Pam and Marion.

  4. BTW, Pam-I'm working on my 3rd Roseville block too. Maybe we can keep each other company.

  5. I'm sure there are lots of us with slow brewing projects Pam. We so appreciate having you pop in even if it's occasionally. Ditto to Barbs comment, she said it well.
