
Sunday, May 25, 2014

finished - after 3 years - will you vote for me?

Friends: After 3 years, I finally finished my Roseville Album. Well to be honest, I still need to finish the hand quilting on the very last, bottom block. But I am calling this a victory.

I have had my own blog for about a year and I found this great online blogger quilt festival at Amy's Creative Side.... and I entered Roseville into this festival. Will you go there and vote for me?

Go here and find my image, then click on the heart in the upper right hand corner to vote.  Very simple. That's it. You also might want to look around at all the fabulous quilts here... I heard there are over 650 entries!

Find this image to vote:

Here are a few other images for fun. These are also posted on my blog with more info about the festival and links to my other entries in the art quilt category:

Thanks friends. It has been a long journey. So proud to have reached this point!


  1. I already voted for your quilt as it was the most wonderful quilt in the Appliqué categorie! Good luck!

  2. What a wonderful quilt! You have my vote :-)

  3. Congratulations,it is stunning!

  4. Congratulations on your beautiful finish!!! You have my vote. Good luck.

  5. Congratulations!!!!! (As someone who is still in the process, finishing seems amazing to me!) I love the tree you have in the 2nd photo. The orange leaves are perfect!

    1. Thanks Donna. Those leaves are wool. Some of the trees in the big blocks are also wool - raw edge. Gives it a different feel.

  6. I voted! Your quilt is spectacular! XO

  7. I'm trying to finish mine up. Your quilt is awesome. It definitely is a long journey. You have my vote.

  8. I voted way back on the 23rd for this one. Knew how much work was involved and it is so beautiful.

    1. Wow - thanks for that! It was a lot of work, but quite fun too. The thing is just so huge... takes a long time for sure!

  9. What a terrific finish, I love your ric rac border.

    1. Thanks Janet. It was fun to change it up a bit and that rick rack seemed so perfect!

  10. Fantastic Teresa! You have vote too. Love love your quilt and the ric rac borders, K

    1. Kim: That mean so much to me! Thanks so much for the kind words. I loved making this pattern... I changed up a bit as you can see. Lately I am making smaller quilts and doing free motion on the machine. But this is one I truly treasure and is all hand work! Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. Voted for you. Stunning quilt!

  12. I love seeing the way quilters have modified Kim's pattern. Your rick rack border is a standout, and using some wool was a great idea for all those little leaves.

    1. Yes, it was fun to make a few changes. The corner blocks and the rick rack... and I loved the wool... raw edge, so easy and so cool. Thanks for the comments!

  13. I voted your quilt is lovely another favourite of mine

  14. I love your quilt. I am not a Baltimore Album fan but I like yours, with very few white between scenes. And your colors are so unusual. I added your blog to my reading list.

    1. Wow. So cool. Thanks for the kind words and for reading!! This is quite a modern version of a Baltimore Album, which is what attracted me to it.
