
Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Village

Here is a preview of Kim's next pattern, the Village.


  1. What a honey it is! I hope the patterns will be available very soon!

  2. love the animals around the borders!

  3. Congratulations Kim another beautiful quilt. I think this could be the house quilt I have always want to make. Your use of colour still is amazing. Kind regards and best wishes for 2015

  4. It is really beautiful!! When will it be available?

  5. Yay! Another spectacular pattern from Kim. It's wonderful. ;)

  6. Oh, My! Three elements I love: applique, houses and hexagons! Definitely on my wish list. Someday! Congrats, Kim - another gorgeous quilt.

  7. Another fabulous creation, the borders are divine.

  8. Love it!!!!!!!!!!! When's it coming out?

  9. I love all of it but your animals are outstanding and your hexies are splendid. Thank you!

  10. Gosh that's a stunning pattern! : )

  11. If any of you have direct contact with Kim McLean, would you ask her what size the hexagons in the border of Village is? I would like to start making some while I wait for the pattern to be made available to purchase. Thank you!

    1. Hi Sylvi, I hope by now someone has told you that the hexagons in the middle has 3/4" side and the ones dividing the rectangular blocks are 1/2". I am now back to normal mode again.

  12. Hello everyone, thank you for your lovely comments, hope you'll all enjoy making the Village quilt. I certainly have had a great time sewing it.

    I've been away quite a bit lately and hopefully things are going back to normal. now.

    I'm hoping to post soon and perhaps talk about the quilt and relay some pointers in making the quilt. The quilt was handpieced and hand appliqued.

    Does anyone want me to go through the process of handpiecing the houses or making hexagons using paper piecing? the house blocks could certainly be machine pieced, it's just that I'm not great at using the sewing machine.

    I've just been taught by my daughter as how to pin photos on the Pinterest. It's rather fun isn't it. Daughter has put up some boards and I've managed to pin photos of a few of the quilts, including close ups of all the blocks in the Village. It is under KIM MCLEAN'S QUILTS. If you like to see the fabrics in the quilt, they are very clear on Pinterest. I'll put up some more boards as I go along. This is another first for me! Cheers, K

  13. The Pinterest Board is such a feast for the eyes! A big thanks to your daughter. Keep 'em coming:-)

  14. Hi Kim can you tell us please when the pattern will be available? Thank you

  15. Kim, I can't find this quilt on Pinterest! Can you, or someone else here, please post the link? Thanks!

    1. Hi Eileen,
      I'm so new at this Pinterest, when I log into Pinterest, the page has my boards on it already, but this is the link I've copied from the top:
      Does this help?
      I can't find it either when I typed Kim McLean Quilts in the search!
      I've pinned a few quilts and it's detailed photos.
      Let me know if you manage to find it, you can then tell me how to do it. Many thanks, Kim

  16. Hi to all looking for the Pinterest boards ( I couldn't find them either!)
    Daughter tells me over the phone that I should copy the address from the top of the page, copy and paste. so here it is:
    I've pinned a lot of close ups of my different quilts so the fabrics can be seen.
    I'm still working on the others. Hope this is useful to you all. Many thanks, Kim McL

  17. Very useful, Kim, and thank you! I love seeing quilts you made before the "Kaffe" era. Your directions for finding the right site are working.

  18. Oh good Marion! I wasn't sure why I couldn't find it either, I tried to a search from scratch on Pinterest, I started typing Kim McLean, and there was a big red pin with Kim McLean Quilts and on clicking, it was there. However, when I tried doing it again, it was lost. I'll have to ask the expert when she comes at the weekend. I think I'm quite computer illiterate! K
