this is a start.....
although I have adhered freezer paper templates and rough-cut them
things have stalled somewhat though, having trouble finding co-ordinating silk thread for the applique
seems I need thread to match each color of applique, have only found one to match the blue
and severe car repairs mean that I have no spare $$ for a bit
oh well, at least I have the rest of the quilt fabric on the way, and a full-sized pattern too (bought before the car went belly-up)
This blog is dedicated to applique. Glorious applique!!! The focus here will be hand applique, but there is room for machine applique too. Kim McLean is the designer whose patterns and quilts we will be working on together. Are you ready?! Let's SEW!!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Hearts and Flowers Progress
I have been steadily working on my Hearts and Flowers quilt and am just about to reach the finish. I have enjoyed this quilt and have not been able to work on any others since I started it.
My next decision is weather to use the fabric shown in the book for the last border or to choose a darker one.
My next project is going to be Lollypop Trees and I have a question for all the wonderful quilters on this blog.
Do you or don't you prewash your fabric?
I didn't on my Hearts quilt and I think maybe I should have.
There was no problem with the blocks you cut large and trim down but the ones that were cut to size like the ones in border two seemed to shrink a little. I had to do some creative pressing to get them to fit.
My next decision is weather to use the fabric shown in the book for the last border or to choose a darker one.
My next project is going to be Lollypop Trees and I have a question for all the wonderful quilters on this blog.
Do you or don't you prewash your fabric?
I didn't on my Hearts quilt and I think maybe I should have.
There was no problem with the blocks you cut large and trim down but the ones that were cut to size like the ones in border two seemed to shrink a little. I had to do some creative pressing to get them to fit.
My progress, so far
Ann, yes I did piece some of my leaves and also the cat in the panel. In one piece of Kaffe's amazing fabric you could include circles,stripes , squares and flowers all in one applique template so I decided to join some of my fabrics for the look. I like it.
This Might Work
My friend Chrisitine gave me her left over strips from a project she did knowing I would be able to use them, she is a good friend! I love how that purple looks in the picture.
I spent and good part of an afternoon and evening tracing and cutting out the pieces for one of the side panels. I have a hard time trying to decide on a color/fabric for each one and can spend hours trying to decide. As I went along and cut them out I wrote a color on each piece, some followed the pattern others were my choice. Now the plan is all I have to do is pick up the piece, look at the color I wrote on it and pick out a fabric. Sounds easy? We'll see...
I live in Pennsylvania and we are in the midst of a rainy, flooding type of day. It is very muggy and warm so all the windows are open. As I typed this a gust of wind came and blew all my pattern pieces I just showed you all over the kitchen, thank you hurricane Nicole!

I did have a bit of help with the pear as I found that fab in the mailbox. Thanks Miss B.
YOU could be a winner!!!
Do you remember this post??? The September drawing ends at midnight E.S.T. TODAY, Thursday the 30th September (HOW did that happen!?)., c'mon blog authors - PUBLISH, and be included!!! Tomorrow, FRIDAY, the first of October, someone will be a LUCKY winner...?!?!?! Good luck, and thanks for sharing your journey, stories and photos too! Enjoy the stitches you make! ; )
Piecefully, Pam
P.S. I'm a Virgo!
Piecefully, Pam
P.S. I'm a Virgo!
My block five
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today I cut out the fabrics for the third border. It is a lot of fun to make the choices for the fabric, not to dark, not to light. More green, or no! more purple. A constant search of the right fabric.
I work with freezer paper, and this evening I laced (I hope you understand?) the fabric upon the freezer paper, so I can start tomorrow with applique.

Roseville package is on the way
I have recieved confirmation that my Roseville kit was sent last Friday and i should get it by the end of this week or early next week. Standing here doing my happy dance lol.
Now to choosing the background well i chose pink with the lime dots, I don't know what came over me to pick that background fabric but everytime i looked at the background choices i came back to the Hydrangea so Hydrangea it is.

Must be a Sagittarius thing I like things to be different and over the top and so this quilt shall be nice bright and funky.
I might have trouble with fabric choices because of the background fabric but who cares its all part of the fun.
See you next time Ladies.
Adele in Oz
Now to choosing the background well i chose pink with the lime dots, I don't know what came over me to pick that background fabric but everytime i looked at the background choices i came back to the Hydrangea so Hydrangea it is.

Must be a Sagittarius thing I like things to be different and over the top and so this quilt shall be nice bright and funky.
I might have trouble with fabric choices because of the background fabric but who cares its all part of the fun.
See you next time Ladies.
Adele in Oz
choosing the flowers for my Roseville album block
ok this is the fun part I finally admit it, I just can't stop choosing so many different fabrics for one block!
who knew this could be so much fun!
Field Trip

Today was field trip day for my neighborhood quilting group. Off to Vashon Island which is in the middle of Puget Sound, and accessible only by ferry boat. On Vashon is the Most.Wonderful.Quilt.Shop! "Island Quilter" is it's name. They must have one of the largest collections of the Fassett/Mably/Jacobs fabrics anywhere. This is a picture I took today of what I call the "Wall 'o Kaffe"
Kaffe & Brandon come yearly for workshops and stay on the Island. This year I am going to take the diamonds workshop. It's happening on my day off! I never get that lucky! I can also make the lecture, as well. There are going to be knitting workshops, a painting workshop, and a snowball quilt workshop, too.

If any of you are ever visiting Seattle, this is definitely a destination shop. I did some damage today. To do the diamonds quilt, for starters you need a big pile of half yard 20-22..I know there is more for the edges, too..

I also came home with a brand new book...Guess who, Kathy & Sarah! It's beautiful!! Now, back to our regularly scheduled quilting...
------ Kathy DB in Seattle

My favourite Kaffe fabric
I love paisley fabrics.
I have five pieces of Kaffe fabric and my favourite is Paisley Jungle-purple.I have seen Paisley Jungle in green on-line and it is fabulous.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Ann's Block #6
I had this block done last night, (or a different block 6, really) but wasn't happy with some of the fabric choices, especially when I pinned it up on the design wall and saw it with the others.
I looked at it again this morning and it wasn't better in the light of day.
I said I wasn't going to make changes to blocks right away, but see how they sit with the other blocks first.
I broke that rule and redid it a bit. ;)
I like it better. I think the center flower was a bit too dark before, and the upper flower centers were too close to the same?
My block 3 finished
My first post

Last summer in July I started my Kim Mc.Lean quilt Hearts & Flowers. The photo above shows my centre block of the quilt.

I really enjoyed the reading of all your stories of your own projects.
And from now on I will tell you about my progress on the quilt.
And Pam, thanks for the invitation for this blog !!!!!
Block 3
My third Roseville block is done.
Wow, all those circles took me a while to do, they are definately not perfect, but I don't mind. I love the details Kim adds to her quilts, the little bird wings, the quirky flowers, the gorgeous animals. Her patterns are so addictive don't you think?
Below is a photo of my favourite Kaffe/Brandon/Philip fabrics. I didn't start buying Kaffe fabrics right at the very start, but I have been buying them for a while now. Kaffes fabrics below are still my absolute favourites, but then, I think all of his fabrics are favourites really, I never tire of looking at them or creating with them.
From L to R: Kaffes Cabbage Roses, August Roses and Roman Glass,
Brandons Dapple in any colourway,
Philip Jacobs Banded Poppy in any colourway.
Wow, all those circles took me a while to do, they are definately not perfect, but I don't mind. I love the details Kim adds to her quilts, the little bird wings, the quirky flowers, the gorgeous animals. Her patterns are so addictive don't you think?
Below is a photo of my favourite Kaffe/Brandon/Philip fabrics. I didn't start buying Kaffe fabrics right at the very start, but I have been buying them for a while now. Kaffes fabrics below are still my absolute favourites, but then, I think all of his fabrics are favourites really, I never tire of looking at them or creating with them.
From L to R: Kaffes Cabbage Roses, August Roses and Roman Glass,
Brandons Dapple in any colourway,
Philip Jacobs Banded Poppy in any colourway.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Just curious. What is your favorite Kaffe fabric. How about Philip Jacobs' and Brandon Mably's fabrics?
My favorite Kaffe fabric is Paperweight in sludge
Philip is Lilac Rose in lilac
Brandon is Fish Lips in grey
Of course, tomorrow I will probably have 3 other choices.
My favorite Kaffe fabric is Paperweight in sludge
Philip is Lilac Rose in lilac
Brandon is Fish Lips in grey
Of course, tomorrow I will probably have 3 other choices.
Getting Started - Lollipop Trees

so much fun..
I am still working on it and have started sewing some blocks together, the middle top is all stitched. I am going to take it with me to Adelaide as I have 5 days there for the Australian Machine Quilting festival and I am hoping to get lots done at night while on my own.
In the Starting Block
Do you remember, I was waiting for the Piece O'Cake DVD I ordered in order to learn properly hand appliqué method? For your information, the DVD never arrived... Has been cancelled after 3 weeks of mega huge patience!!!
After all this waiting period... I coulnd't just wait one single more minute (!!!) I decided to try the front basting method (thank you Liza) and...

I ♥ it!!!
After all this waiting period... I coulnd't just wait one single more minute (!!!) I decided to try the front basting method (thank you Liza) and...
I ♥ it!!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day 2, Round 2
Hi everyone! I can't believe how many people have joined this adventure. It sure is a lot of fun seeing everyone's work. It's very inspirational, so inspirational that I just HAD to do another day of fussy cutting and fusing. I haven't sewn a stitch yet....the cutting and fusing is just so much fun. My friends tell me I go into a zone....well today was it. I went to my sewing room and did the next round on the Hearts and Flowers quilt top.

The Lollipop Girl now has fabric

It was really hard to know how much fabric to order, I ordered long quarters, I think it is really a good size. I think there are so many different things that can be cut out of each piece of fabric. It is just going to matter where the template is placed, that is going to be the fun part, doing the fussy cutting to pick the pieces for the applique.

I just don't know where I have been, I guess I have been so focused on reproduction fabrics that I have not looked at anything else, how could I have missed these beautiful fabrics for so long. They are now in my quilting room and it looks like a very happy, happy, happy room.

The florals are just amazing, every colorway is so beautiful, they just sing.
lollipops, lollipops, lollipops,
The stripes, polka dots and other simple designs are just so happy.

I ordered so many beautiful fabrics, happy fabrics to make a beautiful lollipop quilt and definitely probably ordered enough to make another one of Kim McLean patterns. I will say one thing, this is going to be the happiest quilt I have ever made.
Looking forward to sharing more of the journey with you all.
Happy stitching,
Rosemary Youngs
The Lollipop Girl
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Great Inspiration
I have been away and I wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed reading everyone's progress reports.
I prepped two blocks to work on while away and have one finished except for the circles and the other is half finished.
Eager to finish my blocks after laundry and yard cleanup.
Kim, I was wondering what inspired you to design Roseville?
I prepped two blocks to work on while away and have one finished except for the circles and the other is half finished.
Eager to finish my blocks after laundry and yard cleanup.
Kim, I was wondering what inspired you to design Roseville?
Ann's Block #5
I just finished block #5 last night.
I'm not sure I like the 2 pieces in the middle..but I'm leaving them for now. I can always change them later if I want to? ;)
Hearts and Flowers
Hello everyone, I am Shirley from Stitcherydo blog and I am excited at finally joining in. I have been watching all your works of art unfolding and it has motivated me to get going. You have all been such an inspiration so, thank you.
I found Kim's patterns quite by chance whilst browsing for something else and I was immediately hooked. I sent off for several patterns and began hoarding those fabrics which I knew would come in handy one day and then I bought the Kaffe Fassett book that had the Hearts and Flowers quilt in it and that was it. Had to start it. It took some time though deciding on a background fabric and after a holiday where we saw some gaily painted gypsy caravans I thought why not do a darker background? I found the deep lavender colour at a show but still had doubts over it. Now that it is under way I think it will be ok. The more colour I add to it the more gypsyish it is looking.

I prepped the hearts way before I had a background colour chosen and at least that little bit is ready for applique.
Anyone who knows me knows that I love the colour pink and no matter how hard I try not to do a pink quilt, a pink quilt is usually the result. I can safely say that this is no exception. Inspite of all the various fabrics it still looks pink.
Happy stitching.
I found Kim's patterns quite by chance whilst browsing for something else and I was immediately hooked. I sent off for several patterns and began hoarding those fabrics which I knew would come in handy one day and then I bought the Kaffe Fassett book that had the Hearts and Flowers quilt in it and that was it. Had to start it. It took some time though deciding on a background fabric and after a holiday where we saw some gaily painted gypsy caravans I thought why not do a darker background? I found the deep lavender colour at a show but still had doubts over it. Now that it is under way I think it will be ok. The more colour I add to it the more gypsyish it is looking.
I prepped the hearts way before I had a background colour chosen and at least that little bit is ready for applique.
Anyone who knows me knows that I love the colour pink and no matter how hard I try not to do a pink quilt, a pink quilt is usually the result. I can safely say that this is no exception. Inspite of all the various fabrics it still looks pink.
Happy stitching.
has anyone?
had trouble getting a pattern enlarged??
Husband had a lot of trouble getting the local copy (chain) store to assist him, they didn't, he *only* managed to get the upper half of the heart copied before the machine spat the dummy
result is that it looks like I'll have to wait for my own copy to arrive, instead of starting the medallion using a library copy of the book
still tossing up between getting the whole lot of available fabric from Liza, or starting with stash and buying myself the Lollypop Trees patten and fabric for Christmas (along with an ipod and a workshop with Kaffe Fassett next February :) )
Husband had a lot of trouble getting the local copy (chain) store to assist him, they didn't, he *only* managed to get the upper half of the heart copied before the machine spat the dummy
result is that it looks like I'll have to wait for my own copy to arrive, instead of starting the medallion using a library copy of the book
still tossing up between getting the whole lot of available fabric from Liza, or starting with stash and buying myself the Lollypop Trees patten and fabric for Christmas (along with an ipod and a workshop with Kaffe Fassett next February :) )
Friday, September 24, 2010
I think I'll have my head down for awhile stitching stems. I thought I might as well prep the last two borders so I could put my brown fabrics away. I've drawn the pattern on the background with washable pens with the pattern underneath and then used the Elmers washable school glue to attach the stems. If I let the glue dry, I don't need to iron them on and they stay put well enough.
I always cut my backgrounds with a pinking blade that I have in an old rotary cutter and then I never have to deal with stray threads. I wash my applique when it's finished if I've used glue. Prepping this way is easier than using a vinyl overlay for large sections.
Help wanted!!
Hi all, I am hoping someone can share a technique that will help me master the tight, inside curves on many of the pieces for the Roseville Album pattern. The pieces I'm having the most trouble with are the ones that look something like oak leaves. I am doing needle turn; I trim the allowance to about an 1/8th of an inch, clip the curves and am even using a drop or two of fray check. I still am having trouble with fraying and it's difficult to turn under enough to get a smooth curve along the lines. Any suggestions you have will be most welcome. I will be working hard to try to master this in the meantime. Nedra
New Venture

Hearts and Flowers
Hi All, Just joined the group and this will be my first post. I will have to blame my friend Judy (AKA Judith of Lollypop) for my addiction to Kim McLean. After seeing her quilts and all the beautiful quilts on the Glorious Applique Blog I just had to join in.
My first attempt has been to do the Hearts and Flowers quilt from Kaffe Fassett's Quilt Romance book.
I ordered the fabric kit from Glorious Color and have made several trips to Intown one of my local quilt shops to pick up more. Did I mention this was an addiction?
My first attempt has been to do the Hearts and Flowers quilt from Kaffe Fassett's Quilt Romance book.
I ordered the fabric kit from Glorious Color and have made several trips to Intown one of my local quilt shops to pick up more. Did I mention this was an addiction?
I was feeling a little impatient and wanting to get started on something. I have Kaffe's Quilt Romance book so I decided to order up some fabrics for the Hearts and Flowers quilt and 3 of them arrived this morning. I might have mentioned in my previous post that I've never seen any Kaffe fabric in real life - my LQS doesn't stock any of it. I opened the envelope this morning and the colours quite took my breath away, I really was speechless. Hopefully my Glorious Color order should be going into the mail today so I'll soon be able to play along, in the meantime I'm off to get the pattern copied/enlarged so that I'm ready to go as soon as it arrives...I did add in one of the 'collections' so that I can build up a stash of Kaffe ready for the Stars and Sprigs quilt.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Lollypop Trees
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